Speaker Wattage – Distance Conversion Tool

Speaker Wattage – Distance Conversion Tool

This conversion tool is useful if:

  • You are trying to compare two different speakers which are specified at different wattages and distances.
  • If you want to see how the sound level of a speaker changes when more or less watts are applied.
  • If you want to see how the sound level changes at different distances.

To use the tool, enter the initial distance in meters, wattage in watts, and sound level in dB.  Also enter the final wattage and final distance.  The tool will calculate the final sound level and show how much change is due to the wattage change and the distance change.  If you want to see how the sound level changes with more or less wattage, use the same distance value for initial and final.  If you want to see how the sound level changes with more or less distances, us same wattage value for initial and final.
